Tuesday, August 28, 2018

North Woodstock, Day 2

The Trail is still overloaded with day hikers, section hikers and more and more northbound thru-hikers. As a result, the hostel was so crowded last night that I wasn't able to get a shower until early this morning. The owner has been really nice to me; she felt bad last night that she didn't have their "dog room" available for me, so she offered me a cot for the tent. This morning, we found a fenced-in area where I could let Forest run off leash and play for a while. He had so much fun just being a dog again; it did both our hearts good.

We were both in serious need of some rest and relaxation, and were being treated so well that I decided to spend another day at the hostel. This afternoon, we took the shuttle into town and ended up eating an American cheeseburger at a Chinese restaurant owned by Koreans. 😆😂 Once again, Forest surprised everyone when we left because he was so quiet and well-behaved under the table.

What dog?

My son started Kindergarten yesterday. He went for a half-day, and tomorrow will be his first full day, with half the class. Friday will be his first full day with the whole class. We talked about it on the phone today. I'm so proud of how he is doing, but it's just gut-wrenching to be missing this huge milestone in his life. Someday I'll explain it to him. For now, I send him a rock from every place I think he would enjoy, and my wife helps him follow my progress on a map in his bedroom. He knows I'm coming back to them as fast as I can.

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How It All Began

In August 2017 Canines for Service Inc. in Wilmington, NC, provided Service Dog Forest to me (U.S. Army Veteran "Fisher"). It was ...